Welcome to my Photo Blog!

Hey There! Thanks for stopping by my new BLOGSITE- a blog & website all rolled into one! I'll be blogging updates pretty regularly! If you're interested in specifics, you can click on any of the galleries above.

I hope you enjoy surfing the site and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!

Thanks! - Andie

Please note that all images are the property of Andrea Savoie Photography (C) and are not to be reproduced, copied, or downloaded.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ian- Pumpkin Patch Portraits

At the end of October, Kelly and my little buddy Ian took a trip to the pumpkin patch to get some cute pictures and pick out pumpkins for pie & carving.

Ian is at that fun inquisitive age where everything is new and interesting- it was so fun to see him checking out all of the pumpkins!

The day wouldn't be complete without him taking a picture in his Halloween costume- so cute! Geaux Tigers! Thanks for being such a good sport, buddy! See you soon for your Christmas pictures!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Maci- 8 Month Portaits

When Shannon, a friend of mine, asked me to take some pictures of her little one, Maci, for her 8 month milestone- I was happy to do so. I actually had not seen Maci since she was born, so I was excited to meet this adorable little baby and get some pictures!

Fortunately, it was one of the first cool days we had in SELA, so we actually had to dress her warmly to take her outdoor shots! Can you believe it? Finally, some relief, and it was cool enough for Maci to wear a cute little dress and tights.She's really already such a curious little girl that I am sure pretty soon she'll be up and about and discovering all sorts of new things!

Thanks again Shannon & Maci- I look forward to seeing ya'll again really soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brad & Brianna

About a month ago, I had a great time working with Brad & Brianna- a brother & sister that were incredibly fun to shoot pictures of. We went over to City Park and had a blast checking things out.

Whether they were hamming it up for the camera, looking for pretty flowers around the park, or on the hunt for turtles and ducks- they were a hoot to follow around with the camera.

What was really fun about these two is that sometimes brother & sisters don't get along all that great- but these two were a great combo- they totally hang out like they are best buds! Thanks so much Brad & Brianna for letting me follow you around with the camera- I hope we get to do it again sometime!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


On the last REALLY warm afternoon of the year (or at least I think so!) I met up with Amanda, Chris & Lilly to do a photo shoot of Lilly at Ormond Plantation.

Lilly is quite the active little girl and she had me exhausted by the time I got home- but she was SO MUCH fun to chase around with the camera.
As you can see, Lilly is quite the adorable little girl and shooting her was a blast. I look forward to hopefully taking pictures of her again in the near future! Thanks Amanda, Lilly, and Chris!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby Nola's Newborn Shoot

About 2 months ago, when I shot Traci's Maternity Shots and was excited when she asked me to capture her little bundle's first year for her as part of the "baby's first year" package.

When I was recovering from my PRK surgery, Traci emailed me to let me know that she had her little baby- and that she was a girl! I couldn't wait to meet her- and a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of shooting newborn baby Nola for her first of quite a few photo sessions during the first year of her life.As you can see, little Nola is just a precious little bundle and quite alert! I have actually seen her again since these photos were taken and she's grown up so much already!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ian - 6 months

My sweet little friend Ian turned 6 months old back in September and Kelly, his mom & I took him to City Park to take a few pictures of him in one of our favorite New Orleans locations.
Little Ian is growing up so fast- he's got teeth coming in and he's just a ham for the camera!
As you can also see, Ian is a big fan of the alligator he acquired upon a trip to the Aquarium. He is just so attached to this little guy!
I got to see him last weekend also to take fall pictures of him and he's starting to look more & more like a little boy! Stayed tuned for more pictures of this adorable little guy.