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Thanks! - Andie

Please note that all images are the property of Andrea Savoie Photography (C) and are not to be reproduced, copied, or downloaded.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sanders Family Portraits

I've known Jennifer and for a very long time. Jennifer and I were in the same Brownie troop when we were little girls! So when she told me that they wanted to do pictures of her family and her brother, Patrick's family, for Christmas, I was more than happy to rise to the challenge to capturing both groups in pictures.
I always love shooting pictures of adorable little Lesley so when I knew I was also going to be capturing photos of Pat & Stacy's boys, Lane & Grant, I was super excited to get them all together.

We met up at Lafreniere Park on a very foggy Sunday morning and had a ball cracking jokes and reminiscing while taking pics. It is so fun to see such a closely knit family that I've known for a very long time interact. The boys had me in stitches, and Lesley always knows how to bring a smile to anyone's face with her hilarious gestures and giggles.

Thanks ya'll for asking me to take your pictures! I had so much fun! I hope to see ya'll soon!

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