Welcome to my Photo Blog!

Hey There! Thanks for stopping by my new BLOGSITE- a blog & website all rolled into one! I'll be blogging updates pretty regularly! If you're interested in specifics, you can click on any of the galleries above.

I hope you enjoy surfing the site and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!

Thanks! - Andie

Please note that all images are the property of Andrea Savoie Photography (C) and are not to be reproduced, copied, or downloaded.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

Many thanks to all of my clients, past and present for your kindness and business this year!
I hope you all have a very Happy Holiday and a safe, healthy and
prosperous 2010 from my family to yours!

Warmest Regards,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cazenave Children

When my old friend Richelle emailed me about taking some family pictures for her I was super excited to rise to the challenge. I had not seen her in a while, except for on Facebook, so I was happy to see her and her family and catch up for a little while.

We met up at Keller Plantation in St. Charles Parish and had a great time walking the grounds and shooting some pics of the kids. Her kids cracked me up because they are all so expressive!
I had a great time catching up with her and meeting Leanna, Camdyn & Brody. Richelle- I look forward to working with you guys again!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Right after Thanksgiving, I had the pleasure of shooting pictures of Ava. Ava is adorable little toddler who was so curious that she cracked me up throughout the photo session.

Ava is quite a spunky little gal. She cracked me up when she tried to open all of the interesting and unique doors in the French Quarter. I was waiting for the moment when one would pop open! She was so funny and full of life!

Of course, she made me melt when she went to give me a hug toward the end of our session without even me asking! She just leaned in for a hug and I thought it was so sweet! And of course, our photo session wouldn't be complete without the inclusion of mom & dad. Courtney, Shane & Ava- thank you so much for having me take pics for you guys! I hope you like them and hopefully we can have some more adventures in the French Quarter!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Back in May, I had a great time taking pictures of Mia for her first birthday. She was just a joy to follow around and I was excited when Jamie, her mom, contacted me about taking some more photos of adorable little Mia for Christmas.

This time, we headed to the French Quarter to capture some unique New Orleans color. Mia, as usual was a riot and cracked me up with all of her fun faces and curiosity.

Thanks again Mia, Jamie & Jason! I had a great time spending the afternoon with you guys in the quarter and I hope to see ya'll again!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Reid

Right after Thanksgiving, I had a great time shooting 3 month milestone pictures of the adorable little Baby Reid.
As you can see, Reid is quite a handsome little fella. He kept making the cutest faces and looking at me so intently! I just wanted to pick him up and squeeze him because he was so cute!

Of course, we let mom & dad get in on a few pictures, too! They are such a beautiful family and I had such fun shooting pictures of them all!
Thanks again Reid, Misty & Richard! I hope to see you guys again soon!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sanders Family Portraits

I've known Jennifer and for a very long time. Jennifer and I were in the same Brownie troop when we were little girls! So when she told me that they wanted to do pictures of her family and her brother, Patrick's family, for Christmas, I was more than happy to rise to the challenge to capturing both groups in pictures.
I always love shooting pictures of adorable little Lesley so when I knew I was also going to be capturing photos of Pat & Stacy's boys, Lane & Grant, I was super excited to get them all together.

We met up at Lafreniere Park on a very foggy Sunday morning and had a ball cracking jokes and reminiscing while taking pics. It is so fun to see such a closely knit family that I've known for a very long time interact. The boys had me in stitches, and Lesley always knows how to bring a smile to anyone's face with her hilarious gestures and giggles.

Thanks ya'll for asking me to take your pictures! I had so much fun! I hope to see ya'll soon!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of shooting 1 year portraits of adorable little Aubrey at City Park.

Aubrey had me smiling throughout our whole photo shoot. I don't know if it was her love for honey buns, Stairway to Heaven (yes, the Led Zeppelin song) or rocking horses that had her smiling more, but she was just a doll to follow around and capture on film.

After a little fun with all of those things, Aubrey even let mom & dad take a couple of shots with her. It was a joy to capture moments of this beautiful family!
Thanks again Lindsay, Nathan & Aubrey! I hope you all have a very happy holiday and I hope to see ya'll again!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nola- 1 month

Adorable little Nola is growing up before my very eyes! I went to visit her about a month ago for her 1 month birthday and got some cute shots of this adorable little girl.

As you can see, Nola is the apple of both mom & dad's eye. She's a precious little gem who cracks me up with her adorable little faces.

I look forward to seeing how much she's grown when I see her later on this month for her 3 month portraits! Thanks Nola, Traci & Zia- I hope you guys have a fantastic holiday and I will see you all soon!